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Eberspaecher prepares the start-up or restart of the plants

The automobile manufacturers are planning to gradually resume production - also outside China - in the coming weeks. To this end, Eberspaecher is preparing the gradual start-up and restart of production in its approximately 40 plants worldwide. "The situation requires a high degree of flexibility from all parties involved in order to be able to react to customer call-offs accordingly," summarizes Heinrich Baumann, Managing Partner of the Eberspaecher Group. The company is also in regular contact with its suppliers to coordinate the necessary supply chains.

Eberspaecher has taken extensive measures for the health protection of its employees. These range from hygiene rules and modified shift systems to the equalization of contact points, including staggered break times. At places where it is not possible to maintain the minimum distance between workplaces in production, partition walls made of plexiglass have been installed, for example. When employees resume work, they are trained accordingly, including in the correct use of protective masks.

However, Baumann remains cautious with regard to the future: "We are receiving the first positive signals from our customers. However, we are facing challenging weeks ahead, as the effects of the Corona pandemic on the global automotive markets are drastic".