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Our team of Dedicated People develops Smart Solutions. We are using them to shape the mobility of the future.

Our Goal:
Clean Mobility

At a glance

The Eberspächer Group

Today, tomorrow, and in the future – around the world, Eberspächer stands for reliable automotive systems and components in the field of exhaust gas purification, thermal management, and automotive controls.

As a technology expert and reliable partner, we serve to inspire our customers. The basis and pre­requisite for success­ful cooperation is a partner­ship at eye level, from which both sides benefit sustainably.

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million EUR
consolidated revenue




million EUR
net revenue (without transitory items)




employees worldwide



million EUR research and development expenses

Eberspächer Fact Sheet

Our fact sheet provides you with an overview of the Eberspächer Group's fields of activity, product portfolio and global footprint.

Eberspächer Fact Sheet

Eberspächer Company Portrait

Innovations are the foundation of our future. Our company portrait describes what drives us as a company and how we are shaping Clean Mobility.

Eberspächer Company Portrait


Our strengths lie in Components and Solutions for the Automotive Industry and beyond.


Careers that move you.

University students

Whether you are interested in an internship, a student worker job or in writing your thesis: At Eberspächer, you can experience automotive fascination up close and personal. You will enjoy exciting projects, plenty of personal responsibility, and great opportunities.

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Experienced professionals

Take an active role in shaping progress and change. Contribute your expertise and professional experience to a leading automotive supplier, and continue to develop yourself both professionally and personally.

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Give your employees the inspiration they need for the innovations of the future. As a manager, you act as an enabler in our management culture, which is both steeped in tradition and highly modern. Use your personal freedom to help us shape the mobility of the future.

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